75 Years of Marriage- A Life Time of Love

My grandparents are celebrating their 75th Wedding anniversary today. In honor of the occasion I sent out a press release. Here is a copy of it, and yes, the names have been changed.

During an age in which almost half of every marriage ends in divorce there are still people who possess the secret to a life time of love.

On July 27th Daniel and Anne Simpson will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary. The Simpsons are childhood sweethearts who met at age 11 and now at 95 years old are celebrating a milestone that few couples are capable of matching.

There is a long list of changes that have taken place during their lifetime. They have lived to see 17 different presidents, witnessed two world wars, multiple regional conflicts, the Great Depression, Watergate, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, the collapse of The Ottoman Empire, the Civil Rights movement and much more.

They witnessed the rise of the automobile, space travel and the moon landing, proliferation of personal computers and cell phones.

It really isn’t an exaggeration to say that the world has undergone tremendous change during their lives, but in spite of it all they managed to raise a family.

When asked to explain the secret to their long lasting marriage and enduring love Mr. Simpson responded that it came down to many things, but the most important component was the ability to compromise.

"People say that marriage takes work and it does, but Daniel never made it feel like work. He was always involved in so many things," explained Anne.

Involved is a good way to describe a man who interviewed Al Capone and hid in a closet so that he could meet Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

"When times were hard we helped keep each other going, Anne deserves a lot of credit for helping to give me the strength to keep going when it was rough. But we have far more good memories than bad," said Daniel.

P.S. Since one day my children will read this blog I am trying to organize posts so that they can follow along. Click on the grandparents link and that will take you to many other posts in which I discussed my grandparents. Or you can sift through the following:

The Bearer of Bad Tidings- One Less Set of Footsteps
Pictures, Videos and Memories
My Grandfather Laid Tefillin
The Challenge of Aging
The World's Fastest 95 Year-Old Man
Passing The Baton- Grandma is 94
Not Quite Goodbye- And Some other Thoughts
And Then He Died
I Talk In My Sleep


SuperRaizy said...

Beautiful, Jack.
75 years- that is just amazing!

Lion of Zion said...

(my grandparents came close at 72.)
make sure they party it up.
mazal tov

Anonymous said...

Came here from Twitter. That is an amazing story.

rutimizrachi said...

Wonderful tribute. May you receive many blessings for honoring them. And may they continue to be happily married in good health for many years.

ProfK said...

Truly a gift from God for them and for you who have the brocha to still have them. Somehow mazal tov seems to weak for such an incredible milestone.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov to them - how wonderful! Thank you for sharing that with us.


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

wow, Mazel Tov on their 7th anniversary!

Jack Steiner said...


Thank you, it is pretty cool.


We have plans for a big one for them.




I told them that now they hit 75 years they might as well try for a 100. :)


It is a real blessing and we feel very privileged to have them.



Jewish Side,

Thank you too.

The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

Wow! Mazal tov. May the next 75 be even better...

Jack Steiner said...

Thank you!

Gutsy Living said...

I absolutely love reading about stories like the one about your grandparents. I like to have discussions going on my blog about many topics and in the future will discuss marriage and link to yours. I've been married 23 years and have so much to share about how I think young women today could improve their relationship with their husband, from my own experience.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .