Dinner For Two

Dinner For Two is the title of a new blog I plan to start. I have many different ideas for it. Sometimes I picture it as being an upscale restaurant where couples go on a date.

This restaurant is a bit different because while we watch the date we also get to listen to them talk to us about what is really going on inside their heads.

Or maybe it will be something entirely different. Maybe it will be the setting for three scenes. Maybe it will serve as the intro, middle and end of their relationship.

You know, the place where they go for their first date, anniversary date and then the place where they eventually break up.

I have other ideas for what it could be. Other thoughts on how to turn this plain canvas into something other than what it is.

And perhaps I will share those thoughts with you. Maybe I'll give you a glimpse inside that world and let you tell me what you think of it.

We shall have to see. For now I'll let it ride for a bit. Sometimes it is good to let the thoughts and ideas marinate in a little brain stew, adds all sorts of flavor to it.

In the interim you're welcome to take a walk in my garden. Take a moment and look around you because never quite know what you might find here.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .