What Are Your Favorite Posts?- Reader Feedback Time

Alright readers, I have some questions for you.

1) Do you have a favorite post here, or is there a particular genre of posts that you like. For example, posts about the kids or random thoughts.

2) Is there anything you'd like to see more of?

Let me know, I am curious to hear what you have to say.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jack - I'm posting this as anonymous but you'll know who I am. The reason I've gone anon on your blog is because some of the comments responding to your political posts genuinely scare me. I don't want these anti-semites knowing where my family lives. Kudos to you for maintaining your point of view in the face of such viciousness. I don't even think your posts are by any means far from center anyway. You seem rather moderate in your views. The tenor of the comments is just unbelievable. Anyway, to let you know it's me, I'll say that I still think of you every time I go to services at the Church of the Tree Frog. My favorite posts are your personal ones, humorous tidbits and rambling thoughts, but by all means continue "chazak v'amatz" in your beliefs and support of artzenu hak'dosha.

Jack Steiner said...

Thanks anonymous. I appreciate the feedback, especially your attendance at the Church of The Tree Frog.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .