James Bond Themes

Time Magazine's article about James Bond themes caught my eye. They list what they consider the five best and five worst ever.

Here is their list of the five worst:

All Time High, Rita Coolidge Octopussy-I disagree with Time. This wasn't the worst. Sheena Easton's song makes my head hurt. But that doesn't mean that I like this one. It is just slightly better than awful.

You Know My Name, Chris Cornell Casino Royale I disagree with Time again. I liked this song. It is not incredible, but it is not bad.

Thunderball, Tom Jones- C'mon, it is Tom Jones. This one still works for me.

Tomorrow Never Dies, Sheryl Crow - Eh, it is not great. Kind of reminds me of The Scorpions Still Loving You.

Another Way to Die, Jack White and Alicia Keys Quantum of Solace- Time and I disagree yet again. I kind of like this one.

And Now the Five Best:

Nobody Does it Better Carly Simon The Spy Who Loved Me- We're in agreement on this one. I like it.

We Have All The Time in the World, Louis Armstrong Her Majesty's Secret Service- We're in agreement again. Armstrong just does a fine job of setting the scene painting a picture.

For Your Eyes Only Sheena Easton - This one kills me, just makes me want to gag.

Goldeneye, Tina Turner - Turner is a hell of a performer who knows how to make a song into something special.

Goldfinger Shirley Bassey- This is the classic. Bassey really knows how to bring it all together.

More comments on Bond movie music can be found here. And then as a bonus here are a few more songs and comments.

Die Another Day- Madonna- Ugh
License to Kill- Gladys Night- This is ok, not great, but not horrible.
View To a Kill- Duran Duran- The Bond movies had a lost a step. I suppose that I blame Roger Moore for a large part of it, just got too goofy. This song sounds like so many others.
The Living Daylights-A-Ha- They should have stuck with Take on Me. Ugh again.
Live and Let Die- Paul McCartney- Love this one.

What do you think?


One Wink at a Time said...

Never could get into James Bond. Now that I see the list of music contains some of my most unfavorite music of all time, I feel a little less bothered by that.
I've been ridiculed more than once for not being a fan. Or a Trekkie. Or a football fan.

*sorry, crabby today*

Jack Steiner said...

Bond is a boy's dream. So many cool cars and gadgets.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .