Vocabulary Time Part 8

It is vocabulary time again. Here is part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part 6 and part seven. As always we'll try not to repeat ourselves.

Also, I noticed that I made a mistake last time and didn't list the definition of the words alongside them. I'll rectify that lower down in the post. Here are your new words:
Otiant- idle; resting.
machicolation- n. apertures in parapet or floor of gallery for firing upon persons below. machicolate, v.t. furnish with these
Secern- To discern as separate; discriminate.
prothalamion -A song in celebration of a wedding; an epithalamium.
a capite ad calcem-From head to heel.
ad internecionem- To extermination.
Abusus non tollit usum-Wrong use does not preclude proper use.
ad captandum vulgus-To attract or to please the rabble.
From part seven
Ollendorffian- in the stilted language of foreign phrase-books.
gerascophobia-a morbid, irrational fear of, or aversion to, growing old.
bathysiderodrophobia-the fear of subways, undergrounds or metros.
hormephobia-Fear of shock.
cacoethes loquendi- the irresistible urge to speak.
cacoethes scribendi-.the irresistible urge to write


Pragmatician said...

interesting, I wish there was any chance I'd remember these words tomorrow though.

Jack Steiner said...

Flash cards.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .