My Fourth Blogiversary- What Do I have To Say

It seems that another year has come and gone. Another year of challenges, struggles and more than a few victories. Another year in which I promised myself to come up with a more profound blogiversary post than the past, but still didn't.

So let me get a few things out of the way. When I look back at the posts I put up during my first few months of blogging I really cringe. Some of them are just dreadful, the exact opposite of the profundities I always hope to find there.

For that matter I tend to dislike most of my posts. When I read them I always find an expression that sounds tired, far too trite or falls short in some other way. When I look back I wonder what the hell I was thinking and why I wasn't more careful in my editing.

And then I begin to consider all of the benefits that I have received from blogging and I begin to smile. Blogging has been the source of new friendships and provided an education in many areas that I wouldn't have normally received.

I was truly touched by the support I received after posting The Bearer of Bad Tidings- One Less Set of Footsteps.

Blogging has truly opened up new interests and changed my views on some things.

If you have spent any time reading the junk I put up you are aware that I often use this place to conduct my own therapy. I air out the junk that rattles around my skull and use the screen to clean out the clutter. I share my hopes and dreams and fears.

Here in cyberspace I sometimes scream. Here in cyberspace I cry. But more often here in cyberspace I laugh and find a way to get through the rough spots.

Here in cyberspace I test out my writing. I have taken and continue to take great pleasure in writing Fragments of Fiction.

The opportunity to document the wonderful and crazy things that my children do has been tremendous. I have four years of records that I wouldn't otherwise have.

As I sit here I mull over whether to try and list the bloggers that have been here for most if not all of the ride. I don't think that I could possibly do it justice. I don't think that I could possibly list you all, but I'll give it a shot. I know that I am going to leave some people, accept my apologies now.

The following is in no order of importance, just an incomplete list of bloggers that have made this experience more fun for me.
The Muqata
Elie's Expositions
Soccer Dad
Seraphic Secret
Stacey's Shmata
NY's Funniest Rabbi
The Rebbetzin's Husband
Toner Mishap
An Audience of One
A couple more comments about this incomplete list. Each of you has touched me in a different way. Some of you and I have developed real friendships. We have had the opportunity to meet in person and develop something special that exists in real time as well as cyberspace.

But I think that the one thing that really ties you all together is that I feel like I have found a person that has taken the time to give a real picture of who you are. Over the years I have seen the good and the bad. You didn't take the easy way out and edit things to create a false picture of yourself.

At least that is my impression, who knows, I could be wrong.

I suppose that I should give some thought to how to wrap this up, but then again brevity is not my strong suit. Nonetheless for the sake of the 17 long time readers I'll give it a shot.

If you ask me how much longer you can expect to find me blogging I'll tell you that I don't know. This is post number 5,716. I have an unofficial goal of hitting 10,000. I may keep going until I hit the mark or I may not.

It is hard to say. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go on for years, nor would I be surprised if one day I just put down the keyboard and walked away. Some bloggers like Stephen continue to reinvent themselves. I must say that I find that to be somewhat intriguing.

Anyway, I think that for now I have done enough babbling for now. In just a moment I'll sign off and listen to some music and fall asleep. Who knows, in the morning I just might decide that I hate this and rewrite the whole damn thing.

A Few more odds and ends:
Past Blogiversary posts

A Blogiversary
Happy Blogivesary To Me
My Third Blogiversary- Not Quite a Farewell
Some old posts that I stumbled upon and decided to share with you just because I did.
I Am The Source of Evil In The JBlogosphere
Liveblogging Dinner With The Shmata Queen Part II
Sir, I Need A Condom
My Daughter's Favorite Book
Dancing WIth My Daughter
Some Things I'll Teach My Children
Why I Blog


Rafi G. said...

mazel tov.

hmph. I never make these lists...

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov on this anniversary, and many more to come.

Diane Mandy said...

I'm a new reader, so just don't stop too soon.

Happy blogversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Jack,

Though I did not make the list, I believe there should be a category for fellow bloggers whom you:

-don't read often
-have not met in person
-but whom you stalk in real life nevertheless

If that was a category, I know I'd win :)


Richmond said...

Congratulations! And thanks... :)

FlutePrayer said...

Don't even THINK of stopping. Congratulations!

Right Truth said...

Congratulations on the blogoversary. I wish you many more and I'm sure you will hit your goal very soon on number of visits.

Interesting that you say the blog is therapy for you. I never really thought of it that way, but it's true.

After September 11, 2001, I started reading the internet, blogs, news, anything I could find. Like most readers, I found one blog where I felt at home, where I felt I could really be informed. That blog was In the Bullpen.

Chad, the author of In the Bullpen, kindly invited me to guest post there, and I felt so incompetent. But it was great therapy. He also helped me to start my own blog when I asked him, which I did.

Right Truth is is 2-1/2 years old.

Like you after I post something, I think,"what a pile of crap, I could/should have done so much better on that". But I realized I'm not a "writer", I'm a "sharer" of information. I want to share and I don't expect to get any kudos as a journalist, because I'm NOT.

Best wishes.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

The Misanthrope said...

All the best for many blogging years to come. I am currently taking a break. There was a great article in the Sunday NYTimes Magazine that captured some of the feelings of blogging, obviously different than you or I, but I certainly recognized some of the same feelings. I feel honored to have made you list. :)

Soccer Dad said...

Congratulations and thanks.

Veronica said...

Blogging is like life--a journey.

Glad to keep you company along the way.

SuperRaizy said...

Don't worry so much about editing out the "tired" or "trite" expressions. People who read your blog are interested in your ideas and stories, not in finding a perfectly written phrase. You are one of the most honest bloggers out there, and I think that we all appreciate that.
Happy Blogiversary!

The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

Happy blogiversary, Jack.

I'm flattered to be on the list, especially because it appears we value the same thing in a blog: The honesty.

Many, many more, my friend.

cruisin-mom said...

Hi Jack,
When I'm done crying about not making your list, I'll let you know that I've always enjoyed your blog, hope you know that. Congrats on 4 years. I love that you know and appreciate the "old" valley as much as I do :)

benning said...

Congratulations! Four years of blogging is a lot of blogging. And you post often, which is something I keep telling myself to do, but never quite manage.

You blog well, you write well, it's been nice getting to read you, Jack!

Well done! On to the next blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog-o-versary Jack!!!!

Jack Steiner said...


Thanks. The importance is not the list. I hit your blog on a regular basis. You have stuff that I don't see anywhere else.


Thank you.


Thanks and welcome aboard.


Not my fault that you and TG come wandering around my stomping grounds. ;)


Thanks and 58 degrees in May is way too cold.


I make no promises. :)


Being able to effectively pass along information is important.


Dude, you're like my scarecrow or tin woodsman, been here since the early days.


No, thank you.


I appreciate that.


Thank you. The honesty is the hard part sometimes. It has become harder to let it all hang out.


My friend it won't be long before we get a chance to see if The Dark Knight lives up to expectations.


The Valley is a special place, home to so many good memories.

Hi Benning,

I appreciate that. I have enjoyed your blog as well. That music video was really cool.


Thanks. How bout those Steelers. Think they'll amount to anything this year.

Ezzie said...

Late to the party as always, and having just missed my own third blogiversary... Happy Blogiversary, Jack. I'm truly honored to have made the list there - who knew a Clevelander could pull off such a thing?! Sorry for the brevity, but life is busy at the moment. :)

Many more to come...

Jack Steiner said...


Who knew. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .