The Death of a Few More Blogs

As I perused the blogosphere this morning I see that the circle of life has taken a few more bloggers.

Some announced that they are retiring and others just faded away. Perhaps they aren't really dead, they could be hibernating. It is sometimes hard to say for certain.

Blogging is not for everyone. I'd be curious to find out what the lifespan is for daily bloggers. Something tells me that there aren't any numbers on this yet. Perhaps someone wants to pay me millions of dollars to study this.

Feel free to contact me talktojacknow at sbcglobal dot net. Don't forget that my standard contract includes a signing bonus and a travel clause.


Stacey said...

I have sort of stopped, myself. It's just that I am so busy. I work full-time and have 2 little ones at home. Plus, we recently moved. There is just so little time at the end of the day. Don't know if I will come back to it or not.

Still enjoy reading yours, though.

Anonymous said...

Yeh- I've noticed that some of the ones I've been patronizing are hanging up the hat- really its a lot of work.

cruisin-mom said...

I've been missing in action as's a long story...but it just has to be for now. But I miss my daily dose of reading and writing.

Another meshugannah mommy said...

I go in and out with it - just when I think I am going to hang up my hat, something pulls me back in. But - I hear Stace on the working mom thing...although I do miss reading Crusin' Mom and Stacey. Z's been missing, too...

Paula said...

I can't imagine quitting, but who knows. In any case, I have trouble commenting on whichever post is at the top, Jack - this time I clicked it out of your archives. Otherwise all the links in that post are dead. Weird.

Stacey said...

Aww, thanks for missing me AMM! I might be back if ever I have time. I'll try.

Jack Steiner said...


I wrote a third of those posts. You have always been kind of so-so about this.


It certainly can be.


Well I hope that whatever is holding you up is easily resolved.


It was nice to have a voice to go with the words.


I noticed this the other day too. I am trying to figure it out. Appears to be a Firefox thing, but I am not sure.

The Babka Nosher said...

jack, I'm leaving my comment here b/c I can't leave it on your top post... imagine that. I tried via Safari & Firefox on my Mac and IE on my PC... no luck.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Babka,

Thanks. Must be some bug in the code.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .