Today Is Link To Jack Day

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. I am asking everyone who comes by the blog to join me in celebrating Link To Jack Day.

Unlike Festivus there are no feats of strength or airing of grievances. All that I ask is that each one of you link to one of my posts and then leave me a comment letting me know that you did so.

And now let the festivities begin. Link Away!


lxr23g56 said...

Ok Jack here you go i am linking to this one! Maybe some day you can help with my goal of reaching goal # 32 of on 101 in a 1001 list which is to have my blog ranked in the top 80, 000 on Technorati".

be well

Anonymous said...


Soccer Dad said...

This is one way to become a marsupial again. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll put you in my blogroll. Will you link back? A link for a link? Aw, c'mon.

Anonymous said...

Done! (Post will be up in a few minutes.)

Sarah Likes Green said...

righto... i'll see what I can do if I put up a post today.

PsychoToddler said...

You have got to be kidding.

DovBear said...

Sure why not? Jack's always been a good h=guy.

DovBear said...

um, "good guy" I meant.

Anonymous said...

I just found your post through and it struck something in me so I blogged about my reaction to your post with a link.

BTW, I'm pretty new as a blogger, writing at Ha'azina Tefilati.

kasamba said...

Uh, remember me?
Technically challenged?

I would- if I could!!!!

Anonymous said...

The barbarian shall smite the psycho child with the flat side of his broadsword for questioning things. YAWP!

Anonymous said...

Okay, yer linked.

Now don't say I never did nuthin' for you.

Oh, right. Found you at Paula's...

The Town Crier said...

oops, and me witout my linktojackday hat

Anonymous said...

It is done.

benning said...

Okay, Jack, I linked to this very post. It's the least I could do on Link To Jack Day. The very least! Absolutely nothing less. Heheheee!

Happy Link To Jack Day!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious:) Jack

Gail, I'm new to your blog but I found it. rubicon 3

Anonymous said...

Why, oh why do I always feel compelled to listen??

Anonymous said...


The back of the hill said...

This speaks to me on so many deep, spiritual levels. Music for the soul. I'm gonna get all religious.


Irina Tsukerman said...

Wow, why didn't I think of this first! : ) *sorry, don't know how to link in the comments, but you'll see the link at the bottom of the post.

Ezzie said...

You're quite prolific, Mr. Random Thoughts. :)

Anonymous said...

Did it!

Sheyna said...

I knew something else was supposed to be on my calendar for today.


Sarah Likes Green said...

here you go jacko.

Sara with NO H said...

I can't believe I added you to my farewell post. I must be as insane as you are. I hope the link works.

PsychoToddler said...

The barbarian shall smite the psycho child with the flat side of his broadsword for questioning things. YAWP!

So be it.

The back of the hill said...


Two days outside the land!

This is the second day of chag ha link le Yakov!

The back of the hill said...

See here:

Anonymous said...

A day late and a dollar short, as usual; don't click here.

The preceeding has been a shameless self-promotion.

Funny V-word: lunia

Jack Steiner said...


Thank you, that was my mistake. ;)

JJ said...

This was a cute idea, I haven't been around the blogosphere much in the last week so this is the first I've heard of it. Next time!

Anonymous said...

funny. sorry I missed it... I just saw this..

Anonymous said...


Jack Steiner said...


You are still welcome to play. Throw up a link and see what happens.


Vus macht esteh?

Anonymous said...

Okay, better late than never. :)

Jack Steiner said...


Not shameless or shameful. Just curious to see if people would link and they did.



Cat said...

You got me!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .