Five Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

  1. Casablanca
  2. The Godfather
  3. Star Wars
  4. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  5. Gladiator


tafka PP said...

Counting the sequels - which presumably you wish to watch once the films are over?

Anonymous said...

How interesting. My favorite movie list would look so diferent from yours.

Brooke said...

Holy Grail! :D

Reel Fanatic said...

The first four are movies that would make my list too .. I have to admit it also features such tremendously fare as Office Space and Super Troopers, both of which are a great cure for a tremendously bad day

Anonymous said...

You've got good taste Jack. I hve a couple that I can watch over and over again to like 2001 a space odyssey and The Big Lebowski. Then there are the movies that I have to watch over and over again because I have kids- like Willy Wonka. But I'd rather be watching Casablanca.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I haven't seen any of those.

Jack Steiner said...


Godfather II is one of the greatest sequels ever. The sequels to Raiders were pretty good as well.

But beyond those.......


What are they?


Holy Grail is right up there.


I liked Office Space, never saw Super Troopers


I feel your pain.


You are missing out on some great films.

Anonymous said...

I haven´t seen any of those either. But the first two I will hopefully watch soon.

Chana said...

Star Wars 'Revenge of the Sith' makes me happy.

So does Indiana Jones! :)

but I couldn't watch them over and over straight.

Anonymous said...

My favorite movies that I could watch again and again include:

To Kill a Mockingbird
Big Night
Peewee Herman's Big Adventure
Citizen Kane

Jack Steiner said...


To each their own.


Good list.

Dan Balsamo said...

The five movies I can watch over and over again are:

1. Coyote Ugly
2. Freaky Friday
3. The Notebook
4. Constantine
5. The Break Up

Mel Balsamo

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .