Look Inside Jack's Library

I stumbled onto a new toy called Library Thing. Here is how the service describes itself:

What is LibraryThing?

LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.

I spent a chunk of time entering som eof the books in my own library. I thought that this would be kind of fun. If you are curious to learn more about what books I own you can find the link here. As I understand it the free service only allows you to list a total of 200 books. At some point in time I need to decide if it is worth a couple of bucks to share more with you.

Anyway, I need to give Fern credit for tipping me off to this.


Fern @ Life on the Balcony said...

You're quite welcome! I guess the fact that within a few hours you already have your library cataloged is proof that Library Thing is quick and easy to use.

Jim said...

here's one I have been seeing for awhile, a young Jewish girl that I just found out knew she was Jewish, she is an aspiring film star in NY. moges.blogspot.com

Oh, the library thing, somebody burned all my books.

Anonymous said...

aren't you a running fountain of information...thanks and i've already passed it on...stay safe

Lori said...

That's kinda clever and cool link. Maybe I'll catalogue (200 of) the books in my library too.

Jack Steiner said...


Correct. It is easy to use. I found it to be interesting to see my collection start to materialize in print.

Makes it pretty easy to see where my interests are.


A fountain of information. Hmm....I suppose so.

Jack Steiner said...


Try it. It is easy enough to use.

Anonymous said...

I have librarything too :) I have only gotten around to entering my Jewish books, but it is nifty. :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .