The Joy of Being a Beneficiary- Don't Scam Me Dude

I received a letter that I would like to share with you.
Attention: Bequest Beneficiary

We act as solicitors and our services have been retained by Henry Cox, now late here in after referred to asour client. On behalf of late Henry Cox, I write to notify you that my late client made you a beneficiary to the bequest sum of One Million Seven Hundred Thousand British Pounds in the codicil to his will and last testament.

Henry Cox, died on 8th day February 2005 after a brief illness at the age of 85. Until his death he was consultant to several oil and gas industries. He had a sojourn in the United States and so many other countries before he came to Cairn Energy PLC an oil and gas exploration and production company based in the United Kingdom. He was a knight in the Church and belonged to several non-governmental and scientific organizations. He was also great philanthropist and a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club International.

This bequest is to support your activities,humanitarian services and help to the less- privileged. In accordance with our inheritance laws you are required to apply for claims through this law firm to Finance House United Kingdom, where this fund was deposited. We are perfecting arrangements to complete the transfer of this inheritance to you. You are required to forward the following details of yours; full names, address, occupation, age, phone and fax numbers for verification and re-
confirmation.Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter immeditely.


Yours truly,
Evans Norman Esq.

Dynamic law firm
Solicitors & advocates
Monomark house,25 old glouecster street,
wcin 3xx.

Note: As your solicitor I please advice to keep this information from member of the public until your inheritance is duely claimed. You can reach this office Direct no +44 703 194 1090
and my reply:
Dear Evans Norman,

I was most pleased to receive this correspondence from you. I see from your signature that you are a dynamic law firm. That is most pleasing because I am a dynamic duo. I am the Bishop of Bullfrog and duly blessed by the his most royal holiness, the Dynamic Don. This is why some refer to me as being BOB the Double D.

As you can imagine being referred to as Bob the Double D has occasionally led to some confusion. From time to time men of a lascivious nature have contacted me as they have been interested in explaining how good they can make me feel. So I am somewhat concerned that when Bob the Double D is revealed as the heir of Cox it might create some awkward situations.

Be that as it may, it is with an open heart and a size 12 boot that I greet your note. I would be pleased to both submit and send the information that you have requested. However due to terrible misfortune Bob The Double D has been forced to declare simulated abject poverty and requires your assistance.

What I require is a small token of your appreciation of the fortune I am going to help you acquire and dispurse. $5,000 American dollars should be sufficient to bring me to a place in which I can easily, happily, gratefully and thankfully assist you in your efforts.

May I anticipate your assistance?

My very best intentions,

Bob The Double D.
And a short response.
Mercy be upon us all. You are required to forward the following details of yours; full names, address, occupation, age, phone and fax numbers for verification and re-
confirmation. This will allow us to help you.

Yours truly,
Evans Norman Esq.

Dynamic law firm
Solicitors & advocates
Monomark house,25 old glouecster street,
wcin 3xx.


Anonymous said...

mercy be upon us all

Claire said...

Ugh. I hate those emails!


Jack Steiner said...


In an earlier post I had a quite a correspondence going on with one of these guys. If you are interested you can click here and here.


What can I say.

Hi Claire,

They can be annoying, or fun. All depends on how you want to handle it.

benning said...

Wasn't Evans Norman the guy in class who was always asking, "Does spelling count?"

You have too much fun with idiots, you know. Mercy be upon us all!

tafka PP said...

Oh- that's fantastic!

Jack Steiner said...




You said it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .