How Stonehenge Was Built


Jameel @ The Muqata said...

I just saw this on TV last week. Totally Cool...

westbankmama said...

I love Americans!

Jack Steiner said...


It is pretty cool.


How can you not. ;)

Bill said...

westbankmama - "I love Americans?"

Hey the acient Brits did this first, without precast concrete precut lumber powersaws to cut the luimber etc...

But then again there were no Americans then, were there. (-:

The Misanthrope said...

That was very interesting.

benning said...

Interesting! I'm impressed.

The experts always make things seem mysterious, but they rarely ask the smart questions. Like the myth that ancients never sailed beyond the horizon, but stayed close to shore. No sailor would be that stupid.

Jack Steiner said...

But then again there were no Americans then, were there. (-:

Sure there were. We call them Native Americans' ;)


I thought so too.


Those wacky myths just get me going.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .