The Sweetness of My Son

My son has a very sweet and tender side. Last night he began asking his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to tell him what they like about his little sister.

He took that information and has created a list of things that we like about his sister. After I wrote that last post I took a moment to read the list. I couldn't be more proud of him.

In his own handwriting we have a document I'll treasure forever.
  1. Her eyes.
  2. Her curls.
  3. Her smile.
  4. Her laugh.
  5. Her hugs and kisses.
I am raising menschen. I suppose that things are pretty good.


Richmond said...

Oh now, *that* is precious. What a wonderful young man you are raising...

Bonnie B said...

He sounds like a very sweet boy. You must be incredibly proud-- what a treasure!

Jack Steiner said...


He is great.


Oy, no blogging yet for my motek.


I am, so very much.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .