Which Hero Would You Want to Be?

Batman, Superman, Wolverine or Spiderman .


Cazzie!!! said...


Anonymous said...

Invincibiliy is hard to resist. I'm going with Superman.

Jack Steiner said...

I can't decide. My personality is a bit like Wolverine/Batman, but there is something attractive about infinite strength and the ability to fly.

Anonymous said...

Spawn. Pissed off. Powerful. Revenge. But not everything is what it seems.

I loved that comic. I was an avid collector until i lost interest because the writing declined. Side series like Hellspawn, Curse of the Spawn and Spawn the Undead can easily compare itself to literature like 'Faust'. It's really that good.

Party Girl said...

Cool car, cool house, cool clothes, cool gadgets.

Plus, when I show up I can say, "I'm Batman." Just incase people were confused.

Oh, plus I can say things like, "Kerplow," "Zowey" and "Splonk" when something happens.

Jack Steiner said...

Looks like there are a lot of Batman fans.

Spawn looked interesting but I never did get a chance to read it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .