New Posts and Comments About Comments

And now a brief comments about comments and new posts. Some of the younger bloggers have written me to ask for my input about how often to provide new posts and what interaction to have with the people who comment on their blogs.

My general rule of thumb is that you should blog for yourself and not feel tied to blogging. However, if you really want to have people comment on your blog then you need to commit to being responsive to the commenters and to being consistent in putting up new posts.

To me that means that at a minimum you should try and put up new posts twice a week and that you should attempt to respond to the comments, even if it is just a simple "hi thank you for coming by my blog."

None of these are hard and fast rules, just thoughts to consider.


Pragmatician said...

If the comments on my blog were to cease I would probably stop writing.
From the counter I can tell that most people who visit don't leave comments but those who do, at least I know they've read the post

Robbie said...

You say younger like it's a bad thing.

(Not that I'm the one who asked for your help - I'm moderately happy in my low-visit land.)

Jack Steiner said...


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .