The Strength of Some People Is Amazing

Cosmic X receives a hat tip for letting me know about the following story about David Hatuel. Those of you who are familiar with his story know that terrorists murdered his pregnant wife and four young daughters in one of the most shocking and cold blooded killings imaginable.

Now about 18 months later I see that he has gotten engaged and is moving on with his life.

My sight is set to the future. I am building again on a home that still is. My wife and daughters were not erased. They live inside of me. They are part of my life. I am like a tree whose branches were cut off and now they are growing again,” Hatuel told the gathering.

“I had two options: fall down and be totally destroyed, or stand up and live. I am choosing life,” he added."

I truly am happy for this man because so many people would have crumbled. I wish him nothing but joy and happiness.


oakland heidi said...

That's a crazy story. I had not read about it previously. I am always impressed by people who have survived great tragedy, I find myself wanting to get inside their heads and figure out how they do it. How to they line things up and rationalize things in their mind. What amazing compartmentalization skills do they use...

I like your blog.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Heidi,

Thanks for stopping by. Stories like this help me to maintain perspective. My life has its low points, but thankfully nothing remotely close to this.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .