Sukkah Sam

Years ago I encountered Sukkah Sam. He is the man that would have put Ted and Soccer Dad to shame because he could put a Sukkah up in minutes. It was a beautiful structure and something that we enjoyed immensely.

I cannot tell you much about Sukkah Sam because my memory has gotten fuzzy with time it is almost 30 years since I last saw him and for all I know he was the father of a friend dressed up as a Sukkah builder. Still I remember it will.

Every now and then when I come across photos or film footage of the Amish building a barn I remember my experiences with Sukkah Sam, the Sukkah building man.


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Since there is till time for sukkot, I will wish you and your loved ones a sweet year. May you be inscribed for a year of good health, peace and prosperity.

Jack Steiner said...

Thanks Barbara,

Shana Tova to you too.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

Wishing you a happy Rosh Hashana!

I think of ones from my past too, and wonder what happen to them.

Tks for visiting me while I was gone, appreciate you commenting always. You are welcome anytime.

Sending a smile your way!

Ezzie said...

This post has been included in Haveil Havalim #39, hosted by SerandEz - take a few minutes and check what it says. Shana Tova!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .