Harry Potter- I Really Enjoyed It

I finished reading the book about an hour ago and was very happy with it. It gave me what I desired and looked for. I am not interested in dissecting it beyond that, it is just too late.

I will say that one of the things that I enjoyed is that Harry is a real hero. He is courageous but often unsure and very concerned about his actions. He shows real emotions and that is what I most love in a story.

I want a hero who is human. I want a hero who yells and screams. I want a hero who is susceptible to rage and mistakes made by his/her response to emotion. I like the cool guy. I like the James Bond who always maintains that quiet calm and always manages to come out the other side, but not as much as the person who seems so much more human.

Give me a real hero any day of the week.


Anonymous said...

My son finished the book yesterday and I asked him to tell me what he thought without ruining it for me. He liked it also, but said she didn't wrap it all up at the end neat and clean like she usually does. Hmmmmm, I have to finish the book I am reading now so I can move on to Harry!


Jack Steiner said...

We'll have to see how the final book comes out.

cruisin-mom said...

"I want a hero who is human. I want a hero who yells and screams. I want a hero who is susceptible to rage and mistakes made by his/her response to emotion." WOW! I must be a hero and I didn't even know it...that's exactly how my kids would describe me!!!lol

PsychoToddler said...

My son just finished it too. There's a long line for the book at our house.

Jack Steiner said...

Crusin Mom,



It is definitely worth the read.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .