Yom Hashoah

It took me a few moments to decide how to mark Yom Hashoah (In English this refers to Holocaust rememberance day) on this blog.

I decided to provide the link above and to ask that we take a moment to remember those people who lost their lives for no reason other than race/religion/creed. For personal reasons I'll focus on the aspect that touches me most closely, the Holocaust but I acknowledge that there are sadly many other groups that share in tragedy.

We live in a world in which good deeds far outshine the bad, but sometimes the horror perpetrated by others is so heinous, so inconceivable that it feels like it outweighs the good.

If you are interested in reading a very compelling story of a survivor you should look at Rose's Story.

In the coming years it is my wish that we learn to live together and that horrific episodes like this are relegated to the dustbin of history.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .