
I just received an interesting email asking that I open the blogging up to requests. Said emailer would like the ability to throw out a topic and have me write about it.

I might be game for this, but was curious to see if any of you have any interest in it, and if so, what would you like me to write about? It can be anything, all things are fair game,

If enough people are interested we'll test this, and if not, well you can send in your requests anyhow and maybe we'll try it anyway.

Thoughts, Ideas, Concerns?


Irina Tsukerman said...

But then the thoughts would no longer be random... Nor would it be completely your blog...

Jack Steiner said...

The concept is for it to be a feature, just an element of the blog, not the whole blog.

I would still pump out my normal stuff.

Alice said...

OK, here's an idea: What object/being found in nature would you least like to be reincarnated as?

Jack Steiner said...

What object/being found in nature would you least like to be reincarnated as?Hi Alice,

Ok, that will go in the hopper. we'll give it a little time to see how many ideas are broached.

torontopearl said...

Okay, Jack, I'm a sentimental fool, so I prefer stories about your kids, or memories of your childhood, or stories about some of your funniest/embarrassing/interesting/
horrible/mind-blowing experiences (where no bedsheets were involved!).
As well, try out: What fictional character -- TV or movies or books -- does your personality most resemble? What 3 things could you not live without on a desert island, and why? What daring activity would you like to, but probably won't, try out in your lifetime? Write a personal ad to describe yourself and what you seek out of life.
Jack, the list can go on and on -- just a springboard for now.

Jack Steiner said...

Bumped back to the top so that more people have time to reply.

Anonymous said...


Tell us about your first love. Or write about what animal you would be and why.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .