Thanksgiving by myself

The family just left for the first stop of the evening. Under normal circumstances I would be in the car driving, but today I am not quite there. My visit to the doc showed that I have a minor infection. It is not contagious and not real serious, but I am feeling a little worn out.

In a few minutes I will probably get dressed and head over the hill to make my appearance, but then again maybe I won't. I took a three hour nap and I am still tired. This is not typical and it is just irriatating.

At some point during the last five years my attitude about being sick changed and I don't know why. Aside from my digestive issues I rarely have problems, but now when I do I feel like it will never go away. I don't know why, it never used to be like that. I always felt like it would just go away.

It is not rational and it doesn't make me happy, but there is this sneaking suspicion that whatever I have plans on hanging out and making a home inside me. It is not like me, I am a positive person, but the feeling lingers a bit. Pretty strange.


Stacey said...

It is no fun to be sick during a holiday. :( Hope you are feeling better soon. :)

Monkey said...

I'm with Stacey!

Jack Steiner said...

Thank you both. I am hanging in. It can always be worse.

A Simple Jew said...

Jack, may you have a refuah sheleima!

I too am sick today, I almost passed out this morning with my tefillin on. I actually broke out into a cold sweat :( I felt it comming on yesterday, but I attributed my sluggishness to the turkey I ate.

Nevertheless, I came to work today since I thought it would be easier here without having to chase my two kids around the house. At least here I can sit down, relax, and drink a cup of coffee.

Get some rest, have some chicken soup, and feel better!

Jack Steiner said...

Same to you SJ, take care of yourself, Shabbos is coming soon.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .